Experimental Moog mastermind Stark Sound Lab releases ‘Wally’s Woes’ single

Stark Sound Lab has released his newest electronica single, “Wally’s Woes.” The track is the tenth official release to come from Canada’s Stark Records independent music label. Marked by driving percussion, fugue-like chord progressions and SSL’s inimitable Moog melodies, “Wally’s Woes” proves Stark Sound Lab to be among the most inventive electronica artists for 2017.

In the past Stark Sound Lab has cited as inspirations such legends as Vangelis, Kraftwerk, Hans Zimmer, Brian Eno, and Keith Emerson – Emerson being ever-present in “Wally’s Woes” – but SSL insists that music artists are not the source from which their latest track has sprung.

“In the case of ‘Wally’s Woes,’ there were no outside musical influences, just a gut-wrenching emotional reaction,” writes Stark Sound Lab. “Wally’s Woes is a very emotional song that was written, performed and recorded while our mascot, Wally (four-year-old Boston Terrier) was in hospital fighting for his life after being poisoned.”

The track was recorded live using vintage, highly prized Moog keyboards: a System 55, a Voyager and a Model 15, each of which instruments boasts its own fan club around the world. It was dedicated to Wally the dog at Stark Records’ website while he was still suffering from his illness.

“Wally is a shining star at Stark Sound Lab, barking at delivery vans and welcoming visitors,” writes Stark Sound Lab. “Our hearts sank knowing he might not return to us. So we did everything we could, got him the best veterinarian, prayed, and wrote music in his honour.”

It has been surmised that poisoned dog treats had been left on the sidewalk in a random act of malice. Thanks to Stark Sound Lab – and an excellent vet – this black intent has had the opposite effect of giving enjoyment to music lovers everywhere in the form of this raw, powerfully evocative, electronic prog-pop single, “Wally’s Woes.”

And after all, there is a happy ending.

“Our prayers were answered when Wally was able to leave hospital and join us once again. It was truly a Christmas Miracle that Wally survived and is now with us again watching over Stark Sound Lab.”

“Wally’s Woes” is available online worldwide from over 700 quality digital music outlets now. Get in early.

-S. McCauley

Lead Press Release Writer


at iTunes –
Canada: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/artist/stark-sound-lab/id1157093551

USA: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/stark-sound-lab/id1157093551
Official Websites –



Hear More Stark Sound Lab at



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Film Composer Julian Scherle releases new soundtrack album ‘Let’s Be Evil’

The film composer, known internationally as Julian Scherle, has released his latest full-length soundtrack album, “Let’s Be Evil.” The album contains 23 original tracks for a total listening time of approximately 35 minutes. The “Let’s Be Evil” soundtrack makes for a comprehensive tour of Scherle’s composing and arranging skills and showcases a talent for combining different musical genres.


Eerie, ambient, and evocative, the SciFi – Horror score of “Let’s Be Evil” is the most prominent example of how to incorporate retro-synth into a futuristic and dark electronic sound world.


LA-based Julian Scherle’s unconventional composing style exists in it’s unique universe; calling to classics like Pink Floyd, John Carpenter, Depeche Mode and unifying these electronic aesthetics with composing styles similar to contemporary classical composers.


Scherle’s tone easily balances between dreamlike, nebulous, and entrancing and an intense, nerve-racking terror. His songs climb and build, sweep and soar, and thrill the listener just as they permeate the atmosphere of “Let’s Be Evil.”


Scherle, when speaking of his aims for the album, gives liner notes that provide a glimpse into his writing process:

“The original musical concept for the film, ‘Let’s Be Evil,’ was to write a straight up ’80s-inspired retro synth soundtrack, which slowly – while the movie was forming – morphed into a hybrid between an old school electronic and a modern-glitchy futuristic score. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed creating it”.


JoBlo.com writes of Scherle’s work on the film score stating, “If a filmmaker wants to get me salivating to see their movie, one of the best things they can do is pair an ’80s-esque synth score with colorful lighting, and that’s exactly what [the soundtrack for the] thriller ‘Let’s Be Evil’ does.”


Music by Scherle has been featured on a number of critically acclaimed projects such as Golden Globe and Emmy winning TV shows, “Mr. Robot,” “The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story,” and “American Horror Story.”


“Let’s Be Evil” by Julian Scherle, has been published on the independent music label Scissors and is available for digital download at over 700 music stores worldwide now.


Link to Music –







Website –


Red Prawn Games releases official ‘Robot Wasteland Game Soundtrack’

The independent video game studio known as Red Prawn Games have released their debut music album, the official “Robot Wasteland Game Soundtrack.” The album lies somewhere between an EP and an LP record, having 12 original tracks for an approximate total listening time of over half an hour. Dark, grim, futuristic and entirely immersive, the “Robot Wasteland Game Soundtrack” by Red Prawn Games is an excellent example of the ultra-high quality of music composition in today’s new golden age of video gaming.

Red Prawn’s “Robot Wasteland” OST is the brainchild of up-and-coming composer Przemyslaw Ksiazek, popularly known by his professional name, Ksamus. Music by Ksamus tends toward the ambient and electronic, very much alive, with sweeping waves of sound which form towering crescendos and sprawling sonic landscapes the mind can easily envision as if pictures were being painted on the canvas of one’s imagination. It is the creativity of Ksamus the music fan is hearing, though, which makes it more than likely that the world will be hearing much more from this musician over the next few months and years.

Ksamus cites as main artistic influences J.M. Jarre, Kraftwerk, Vangelis, Klaus Schultze, and Daft Punk.

Asked to comment on Ksamus’ work on the background score for their game, Red Prawn writes, “The ‘Robot Wasteland’ album is by far our best creation music-wise. If successful, we will certainly make more music in the future … Ksamus did a marvelous job composing all the pieces and accurately reflecting the game’s mood and climate.”

Red Prawn describes their artistic aims by saying, “Red Prawn Games is an independent game development studio. We make games for smartphones and tablets. We always strive for the best possible quality, and that includes the sound-effects layer as well as the music background.”

The “Robot Wasteland Game Soundtrack” by Red Prawn Games and composed by Ksamus is available online worldwide beginning 22 May 2015.

-S. McCauley

Lead Press Release Writer


“Robot Wasteland Game Soundtrack” by Red Prawn Games –
Website –


Julian Scherle releases ‘Plan Perfect: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack’

The songwriter and composer of music known as Julian Scherle has released his latest EP album, the “Plan Perfect: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack.” The record has been copyrighted by the JulMusic independent record label. It includes ten original compositions for an approximate total listening time of 12 minutes. It is the most significant official release by Scherle since his January 2014 electronic dance music single, “Excilic.”


The short independent film, “Plan Perfect” is about a couple who attempt to steal a valuable figurine from a friend when they discover its worth. The movie stars Lisa Livesay, Nolan Livesay and John Schimke. It features cinematography by John Heppe and is written, directed and produced by John Schimke. The film’s background score, “Plan Perfect: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack” by Julian Scherle is prominently showcased and acts as an active part of the movie’s emotional draw.


Composer Julian Scherle was raised in Germany and is currently based in Los Angeles. He describes himself variously as a composer, DJ, music producer, and “all-around sound addict.” He has a degree in sound engineering and more than two decades of experience in piano, singing, jazz guitar, and saxophone. He has worked alongside and collaborated with such legendary modern composers as Klaus Badelt (“Pirates of the Caribbean,” “Time Machine,” “Constantine”), Stewart Copeland (the Police) and Mac Quayle (“Drive,” “Spring Breakers,” “Only God Forgives”).


Scherle’s current professional bio closes with a quip from the artist which colors him as a sonic sharpshooter and avid fan of the Pacific Ocean: “If I am not in the studio, you can probably find me sneaking around with my recorder, hunting for new sounds, or in the water attempting to find the perfect wave to surf.”


The “Plan Perfect: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack” by Julian Scherle is available online worldwide.


-S. McCauley

Lead Press Release Writer



The “Plan Perfect: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack” by Julian Scherle –




Website –
